I will sell this house today American Beauty 1999

A big family Christmas vacation 1989

OkayJokes a huge collection of funny jokes with suitable video, pictures and notes to read and watch online. We promote absurd comedy just to emphasize ridiculous situations, not to be taken as examples to follow in daily life. Our mission is to make you laugh out loud of the truth.
Jokes can be read alone for solitary entertainment, or used to stock up on new jokes to entertain friends. Jokes and joking are used to mark and reinforce appropriate boundaries of a relationship.
If you know any video best jokes that we don't already have, e-mail them to us and we will add them. Slightly suggestive and moderate humor will all be tolerated. Enjoy and have fun!
You can also search to watch on digital distribution platform operating system Google Play for certified devices running on the Android or on Apple App Store developed and maintained by Apple Inc. for mobile apps on its iOS & iPadOS operating systems.