Watch I will sell this house today American Beauty 1999
with Annette Bening as Carolyn, an ambitious real estate broker (as an intermediary between sellers and buyers of real estate / property) from American Beauty 1999 film.
Dialogues with pictures
Mercedes-Benz ML320 pulls into the driveway, driven by Carolyn. A moving van is parked in front of the colonial house next door.
A couple of movers carry a couch down the driveway toward the house.] 
CAROLYN: So we finally got new neighbors. If the Lomans had let me represent them instead of the Real Estate King that house would never have sat on the market for six months.
The car is parked in front of the house. In front of a different house with much more curb appeal is another sign, with a picture. It reads: ANOTHER ONE SOLD BY BUDDY KANE THE "KING" OF REAL ESTATE "call me". SALE HOUSE - living ROOM - MOMENTS LATER we see Carolyn, working with fierce concentration as she: doggedly scrubs countertops in the kitchen; perches on a stepladder to dust a cheap-looking white ceiling fan in the mater bedroom; and vacuums a dirty carpet that will never be clean. Throughout all this, she keeps repeating to herself:]
CAROLYN: I will sell this house today. 
[EXT. SALE HOUSE - front YARD - LATER CLOSE on the front door, as it opens to reveal Carolyn, greeting us with her most winning smile - the smile she thinks could sell ice to an Eskimo.]
CAROLYN: Welcome. I'm Carolyn Burnham.
[Smiling, Carolyn leads a man and woman into the living room. They're thirsty, and they've seen a lot of houses today.]
CAROLYN: This living room is very dramatic. Wait till you see the native stone fireplace! A simple cream could really lighten things up. You could even put in a skylight. Well, why don't
we go into the kitchen? 
It's a dream come true for any cook. Just filled with positive energy. You'll be surprised how much a ceiling fan can cut down on your energy costs. You know, you could have some really fun backyard get-togethers out here. BUYER #1:
The ad said this pool was lagoon-like. 
Nothing lagoon-like about it. Except for maybe the bugs! There isn't any place like here. CAROLYN: There aren't even any plants out here! What do you call this? Is this not this a plant? If you have a problem with the plants, I can call my landscape architect. Solved! BUYER #2: I think lagoon, I think waterfall. I think tropical. This is a cement hole. CAROLYN: I have some tiki torches in the garage.
[Carolyn enters, alone. She's furious. She locks the and starts to cry. Suddenly she slaps herself, hard.]
CAROLYN: Shut up! Stop it! You weak. You baby! Shut up!
[She stops crying and taking deep, even breaths until she has everything under control. She walks out calmly, leaving us alone in the dark, empty room.] Watch
For American Beauty film, Bening recalled women from her youth to inform her performance: "I used to babysit constantly. You'd go to church and see how people present themselves on the outside, and then be inside their house and see the difference."
Carolyn is a real estate agent who undergoes life changes in reaction to her husband's, including an energetic affair with a rival real estate agent.